To All Masonhouse Colleagues
A decision was made late last year that Masonhouse Manufacturing’s approach to Marketing and Promotions should change and in future these areas would be dealt with as separate entities.
To better explain and demonstrate we’ve updated a prior Management briefing ‘Sales & Marketing or Marketing & Sales’ which highlights our reasoning and how and why this decision came about - as well as the implications.
Last week’s briefing ‘Dreams to Reality’ touched on our intention to prioritise changes in relation to the Ethos & Culture of our business. High on the agenda being: - Recognising, Valuing, Engaging & Respecting the role played by each individual member of the Masonhouse Team – and something we intend to embed into our DNA.
Our ‘Audio Visual Briefing No 3’ – Sales & Marketing or Marketing & Sales aims to better explain this. We believe this to be an important aspect to driving our business onwards and upwards at a challenging time.
We very much welcome your feedback.
The Masonhouse Management Team